Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Ethics!

    2. Why study ethics?

    3. What is ethics?

    4. Ethics vs. Morals

    5. Ethics as a Toolkit

    1. Naive Approaches to Ethics

    2. Major Ethical Systems

    3. Ethics True or False Quiz

    1. Deontology

    2. Consequentialism

    3. Virtue Ethics

    4. Major Approaches Quiz

    1. Introduction to Thought Experiments

    2. Thought Experiment #1

    3. Thought Experiment #1 Solutions

    4. Thought Experiment #2

    5. Thought Experiment #2 Solutions

    6. Thought Experiment #3

    7. Thought Experiment #3 Solutions

    1. Overview of the Climate Change Problem

    2. Solution 1: Business as usual

    3. Solution 2: Reduce emissions

    4. Implications

    5. Climate Change Quiz

    1. Overview of Environmental Ethics

    2. Who are the moral subjects?

    3. Case Study: Is whaling ethically defensible?

    4. Whaling in Recent History

    5. Whaling Survey

    6. Course Complete

About this course

  • Free
  • 30 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content